Epic Prayer “Midsummer Miracles” now available! (Step-UP Available!)

Thank you for playing Touhou LostWord!

The Midsummer Miracles Epic Prayer will be available starting Mar 25th!

Sanae Kochiya (C3) has a higher chance of appearing for a limited time!

*You can now exchange for Epic Friends! Trade 400 Exchange Points for Sanae Kochiya (C3)! Available one time only!

Epic Paper Doll

– Limit Breaks for Epic Friends require an Epic Paper Doll or a duplicate of the same Friend to perform. Divine Paper Dolls and Paper Dolls cannot be used.

Example: Limit Breaks for Sanae Kochiya (C3) require an Epic Paper Doll or the same Friend “Sanae Kochiya (C3)” to perform.

*You can exchange Fortune Dust for Epic Paper Dolls from Exchange > Shrine Office > Fortune Dust.

– If you use God Crystals to select Pray 10 Times, you are guaranteed to receive a Friend.
– If you use God Crystals to select Pray 10 Times, you will receive 10 Fortune Dust.
– You will not receive Fortune Dust when you use a combination of Seal Crystals and Coins to select Pray Once or Pray 10 Times.
– After the Limited-time Epic Prayer: Midsummer Miracles finishes, Sanae Kochiya (C3) will not be added to the Standard Prayer.

Exchange Points
– Perform Prayers to receive Exchange Points. You can use these Exchange Points to exchange for a Friend or Story Cards included in the Prayer’s specific lineup.
– If two or more concurrent Prayers feature the same Friends and/or Story Cards, they will also share the Exchange Points between them.
You can exchange 400 Exchange Points for Sanae Kochiya (C3), and 50 Exchange Points for the ★5 Story Card “Artificial Friends.”

Note: Exchange Points have a use-by date. When this date has passed, your Exchange Points will be automatically converted into Spirit Points and sent to your Mail.

One Time Only! God Crystal Step-UP Prayer
You are guaranteed to receive a Friend on all Steps!
You can only Pray 10 Times once on each of the 5 Steps, After STEP 5 it doesn’t return to STEP 1.
600x God Crystals are required for each STEP (Excluding Step 1).
The details of the STEP-UP Prayers are below.

[STEP 1] -10x Prayers with God Crystals x300
-10x Fortune Dust
-1x Guaranteed Friend
-Rate Up Friends Drop Rate 120% UP

[STEP 2] -10x Prayers with God Crystals x600
-10x Fortune Dust
-1x Guaranteed Friend
-Rate Up Friends Drop Rate 140% UP

[STEP 3] -10x Prayers with God Crystals x600
-10x Fortune Dust
-1x Guaranteed Friend
-Rate Up Friends Drop Rate 160% UP

[STEP 4] -10x Prayers with God Crystals x600
-10x Fortune Dust
-1x Guaranteed Friend
-Rate Up Friends Drop Rate 180% UP

[STEP 5] -10x Prayers with God Crystals x600
-10x Fortune Dust
-1x Guaranteed Friend
-Rate Up Friends Drop Rate 200% UP

Available from:
2025/3/25 7:00 UTC until
2025/4/14 3:59 UTC

Appearing Friends

Click on the picture below and check out the video!

– The values listed are for a fully enhanced Friend.
– The CP listed is for a Friend at max level and max Boost.
– Each Friend will appear as ☆1.
– You can check the Friend list and drop rates from Prayer > Details.
– After the Limited-time Epic Prayer: Midsummer Miracles finishes, Sanae Kochiya (C3) will not be added to the Standard Prayer.

Story Cards

This Prayer will feature ★5 Story Card “Artificial Friends” with an increased drop rate.
You can exchange 50 Exchange Points for the select ★5 Story Card.

– The values listed are for a fully enhanced Story Card.
– You can check the appearing Story Cards and drop rates from Prayer > Details.


Midsummer Miracles Packs

Epic Rank UP Pack Sanae (C3) $39.99 USD (Available for purchase two times!)

Epic Paper Doll Pack L Sanae (C3) $99.99 USD (Available for purchase ten times!)

Epic Paper Doll Pack M Sanae (C3) $79.99 USD (Available for purchase one time!)

Epic Paper Doll Pack S Sanae (C3) $59.99 USD (Available for purchase one time!)

Available from:
2025/3/25 7:00 UTC until
2025/4/14 3:59 UTC

Epic Skill Pack: Sanae C3 ver.

Epic Skill Pack: Sanae C3 ver. $19.99 USD (Available for purchase one time!)

Available from:
2025/3/25 7:00 UTC until
2025/4/14 3:59 UTC

Enjoy your journey in Touhou LostWord!