New Update Available!

Thank you for playing Touhou LostWord.

The following content was released during March 25th’s maintenance.
Next maintenance will take place on: April 1st.


Maintenance Summary

Patch Notes

10M Downloads Celebration!

Dispatch Special Present

New Feature, Early Implementation of “Dispatch” starts on Mar 25th!
In “Dispatch”, players can set a number of battles and consume Spirit Points to perform battles in the background, even when the app is not running!

To help you try our “Dispatch” mode, we’re preparing Spirit Points to use!
Be sure to claim it from [Mail]!

Rewards list:
15,000x Spirit Points

*The gift can only be received once.

Available from:
2025/3/29 0:00 UTC until
2025/4/29 23:59 UTC


Midsummer Miracles Epic Prayer

Available from:
2025/3/25 7:00 UTC until
2025/4/14 3:59 UTC

↓ Click here for more details! ↓

Epic Prayer “Midsummer Miracles” (Step-Up Available!)


Trial Quest

Want to try out Touhou LostWord’s latest Epic Friend right away? You can with our Sanae Kochiya (C3) Trial Quest!

Try out a level 100 fully maxed-out version of Epic Friend Sanae Kochiya (C3) in this limited-time Stage! You’ll also earn rewards for clearing it!

Stage Tasks & Rewards:
Clear Stage: Trial Stage
1x Seal Crystal

Available from:
2025/3/25 7:00 UTC until
2025/4/14 3:59 UTC


10M Downloads Power Up Prayers

※The Limited Special Ritual icon obtained from the 10M Downloads Login Bonus and Aya Assistance will change color after the March 25th maintenance.

This change will not affect players in any way—only the item image for both previously owned and newly acquired Limited Special Rituals will be updated.

Power Up Prayers starts after Mar 25’s maintenance!

You can use the Limited Special Rituals obtained from the 10M Downloads Login Bonus and Aya Assistance and event exchanges to perform a Prayer, or roll on this Power Up Prayers by using Limited Special Rituals with Power Balls.
There are 3 types of Power Balls that you can collect by farming event stages.

The Prayers that can be used in combination are: Sun Power Up Prayer, Moon Power Up Prayer, and Star Power Up Prayer. Each features different Friends!

Available from:
2025/3/25 7:00 UTC until
2025/4/28 3:59 UTC

↓ Click here for more details! ↓

Prayer “10M Downloads Power Up Prayers”


Windsurfing Shinigami Epic Prayer (Rerun)

Beach Ferrywoman, Komachi Onozuka (C3) received improvements to a few of her Stats and Abilities!

Available from:
2025/3/25 7:00 UTC until
2025/4/7 1:59 UTC

↓ Click here for more details! ↓

Epic Prayer “Windsurfing Shinigami (Rerun)” (Step-Up Available!)


Great Fairy Peace EX Festival (Rerun)

Available from:
2025/3/28 0:00 UTC until
2025/4/14 3:59 UTC


10M Downloads VS Divergent Spirits Campaign

Touhou LostWord’s 10 Million Downloads Campaigns are ongoing! This week, the second phase of the VS Divergent Spirits Campaign is coming!

During the campaign period, the clear rewards for Kasen Ibaraki (C3)’s VS Divergent Spirits stages will be increased!
Also, the exclusive Story Card reward for clearing this quest will be doubled to 10x!

The following items will be added to certain stages:
Clear Lvl 100: 1x Relic Paper Disk

Clear Lvl 120: 1x 10M Downloads VS Spirits Ultra Festival Exchange Ema


10M Downloads VS Spirits Ultra Festival Exchange Ema

An ema that allows you to choose a partner. Valid period: Mar 25, 2025 – Apr 28, 2025 (UTC)

Eligible Friends:
Komachi Onozuka (B3)
Wriggle Nightbug (H5)
Mystia Lorelei (H5)
Byakuren Hijiri (T5)
Tenshi Hinanawi (T5)
Shiki Eiki, Yamaxanadu (B3)
Marisa Kirisame (B3)
Sakuya Izayoi (B3)
Reisen Udongein Inaba (B3)
Yuyuko Saigyouji (R2)
Reimu Hakurei (B3)
Youmu Konpaku (R8)
Marisa Kirisame (Z1)
Kaguya Houraisan (B3)
Youmu Konpaku (B3)

Available from:
2025/3/25 7:00 UTC until
2025/4/28 3:59 UTC


VS Divergent Spirits Kasen Ibaraki (C3) (Rewards Up!)

A boss challenge against Kasen Ibaraki (C3)!

This quest will drop Scrolls, Tiles, and Books! The type and rarity will vary depending on the difficulty! You will also earn Medicine, Superior Incense, and Incense Burners for first-time clears!

And don’t forget, you can earn VS Divergent Spirits Rituals & VS Divergent Spirits Guaranteed Rituals to perform the special Prayers by clearing the VS Divergent Spirits stages!

The two Ritual Prayers will also include exclusive Friends not found anywhere else in the game!

You’ll also earn an exclusive Story Card by clearing this quest! The ★5 Story Card “Summer Shrine Maidens” will be available!


This VS Divergent Spirits Stage will feature the Luck Story Card, “It’s Just Like I Heard” as well!
Luck Story Cards are obtained from Luck Drops! Their first ability is fixed, but their 2nd, & 3rd Abilities, as well as stats, are completely random!

*To unlock the VS Divergent Spirits content, you must first clear Main Story Chapter 1 Episode 5 Part 3.

Available from:
2025/3/25 7:00 UTC until
2025/4/14 3:59 UTC


VS Divergent Spirits Remilia Scarlet (L1)

A boss challenge against Remilia Scarlet (L1)!

This quest will drop Scrolls, Tiles, and Books! The type and rarity will vary depending on the difficulty! You will also earn Medicine, Superior Incense, and Incense Burners for first-time clears!

And don’t forget, you can earn VS Divergent Spirits Rituals & VS Divergent Spirits Guaranteed Rituals to perform the special Prayers by clearing the VS Divergent Spirits stages!

The two Ritual Prayers will also include exclusive Friends not found anywhere else in the game!

You’ll also earn an exclusive Story Card by clearing this quest! The ★5 Story Card “Divergent Spirits EX” will be available!

*To unlock the VS Divergent Spirits content, you must first clear Main Story Chapter 1 Episode 5 Part 3.

Available from:
2025/3/25 7:00 UTC until
2025/4/7 1:59 UTC


”Cheering Saga: Race to the Truth” Extra Begins!

Extra for Cheering Saga: Race to the Truth is coming!

The ★5 Story Card “Mountain of Cheer” & ★4 Story Card “More Legs, More Problems” are now available with a major increase to drop rate!

Items added to the Event Exchange:
・Paper Doll
・★4 Story Card Ritual
・★5 Story Card “Mountain of Cheer”
・★4 Story Card “More Legs, More Problems”
・Books, Spirit Points, Coins
・Blank Mirrors of Rebirth

The Limited Special Rituals and new songs are added to the Event Exchange!

Point Bonus x7 Quests:
・[L2^11] Got Troubles?
・[L2.11] Unsuspecting Runners
・[L2^11] The Wanderer
・[L2^11] Koishi’s Story

New Tasks:
Do the Daily Quest to get rewards
・Log in during the Event
・Win the Event battle 5~50 times
・Clear the Daily Quest
・Pray 1~3 times
・Clear EX 1 time
・Get all the ★s in EX Stages
・Clear each EX Stage to get 1x Seal Crystal

Available from:
2025/3/25 7:00 UTC until
2025/4/14 3:59 UTC


Eternal Battle: Yukari Yakumo (L1)

Eternal Battle comes back with the addition of Rankings!
You can now retry an Area when you lose or Quit, and you’ll also be able to resume an Eternal Battle stage in progress.

You’ll be able to earn extra items based on:
Score Bonuses
Rank Rewards

For this stage, you’ll be able to earn a bonus Ring of Fate, God Crystals, and VS Divergent Spirits Story Card Rituals by clearing a certain Score threshold!

Please Note:
※ Eternal Battle can be accessed from the [Challenge Mode] on the Home screen.
※ Rank Rewards will be sent via mail after the event period ends.
※ Score Rewards can be claimed when the score is finalized upon clearing Area 5 or giving up.
※ If the event period ends without clearing Area 5 or giving up, any ongoing challenge data will be discarded and will not be reflected in the final score.

Available from:
2025/3/25 7:00 UTC until
2025/4/14 3:59 UTC

↓ Click here for more details! ↓

“Eternal Battle Available!”


Scarlet Devil Tower Update

Floor 500 of the Scarlet Devil Tower is now open, and the scenario will be updated!

Get 100x God Crystals on 495F and 1x Epic Paper Doll on 500F!
*Divine Paper Dolls are available every 25 floors!

Available from:
2025/3/25 7:00 UTC until
2025/4/7 1:59 UTC


Aya Assistance Update

※The Limited Special Ritual icon obtained from the 10M Downloads Login Bonus and Aya Assistance will change color after the March 25th maintenance.

This change will not affect players in any way—only the item image for both previously owned and newly acquired Limited Special Rituals will be updated.

To celebrate 10 million downloads, The Aya Assistance will be updated on April 1st and features luxurious rewards, including Seal Crystals!
A new Story Card will be added as a reward.

Furthermore, during the event period, the daily task in Aya Assistance will include “Perform 10 Prayers”, allowing you to earn 1x Limited Special Ritual and Investigation Reporter Level once per day.

*Limited Special Rituals will be available for use starting Mar 25 to Apr 28, 2025 UTC

Please Note:
-If you have already completed the “Log in” daily task before maintenance, you may not be able to complete the “Log in” task in Aya Assistance after maintenance.
-Depending on the season transition timing, some displayed tasks may become unachievable. Thank you for your understanding.

Available from:
2025/4/1 0:00 UTC until
2025/4/30 23:59 UTC


New Features & UI Improvements

Early Implementation of “Dispatch”

The “Dispatch” feature, which allows battles to be conducted in the background, will be added!

This “Dispatch” mode is being introduced as an early implementation for trial operation.
During the trial period, this feature will be available only for exploring Events.

In “Dispatch”, players can set a number of battles and consume Spirit Points to perform battles in the background, even when the app is not running.

“Dispatch” can be used for explorations that have achieved ★★★ Clear and have Replay Data saved.

Before using “Dispatch”, the Replay Data will be analyzed to calculate the following:

・Win Percentage: The higher the Win Percentage, the higher the chance of getting drops.
・Time Required: The fewer actions used to clear the stage, the lower the Time Required.

※”Dispatch” consumes 1.2 times the usual amount of Spirit Points.
※”Dispatch” cannot be used for certain stages including Event Extra, Daily Quests, and Challenge Mode.
※The following will not be applied in “Dispatch”:
– Player EXP Gain
– Friend EXP Gain
– Friend Morale Changes
– Friendship Level Changes
※An exploration in “Dispatch” cannot be played manually at the same time.
※If “Dispatch” is ended manually, the player will receive rewards only for the battles completed before cancellation.
※Spirit Points consumed when starting “Dispatch” will not be refunded.

Please refer to the in-game Help for more details.


Titles Update

New Titles will be added based on your Friends’ growth progress.

Hong Meiling
Patchouli Knowledge
Remilia Scarlet
Flandre Scarlet

*For details on how to obtain titles, please refer to the Title List.




Super EXP Quest

Our limited-time Super EXP Quest has made its return to help you level up your Friends!
If you clear this quest, your Friends will earn 10x EXP! It’s a surefire way to train up your Friends!

*Approximately 10x EXP as clearing a final event quest on Lunatic difficulty.

You can also get a few Superior Incense Burners and other items from the quest!

Available from:
2025/3/25 7:00 UTC until
2025/4/7 1:59 UTC


Free Materials Pack

We’ve got another Free Pack coming your way!

You can grab it in the shop, completely free of charge! It’ll only be available for a limited time, so be sure to grab it while you can!

Free Materials Pack – Technical $0.00 USD (Available for purchase one time!)

Available from:
2025/3/25 7:00 UTC until
2025/4/1 3:59 UTC


Errand EXP x3

Earn triple the EXP when you send your friends on Errands during the event period!

Available from:
2025/3/25 7:00 UTC until
2025/4/1 3:59 UTC


Daily Quest +2 times

Earn additional rewards by challenging the Daily Quest 2 extra times per day for a total of 5 times!

Available from:
2025/3/26 0:00 UTC until
2025/4/1 23:59 UTC


Lucky Mirror Special Pack

Lucky Mirror Special Pack $99.99 USD (Available for purchase five times!)
5,000x God Crystals
20x Lucky Mirrors

Available from:
2025/3/25 7:00 UTC until
2025/4/21 3:59 UTC


Gigawatt Ghost EX Festival

Available until:
2025/4/1 3:59 UTC


Supernova Summer Epic Prayer (Rerun)

Available until:
2025/3/30 23:59 UTC


Summer Seal Show Epic Prayer (Rerun)

Available until:
2025/4/1 3:59 UTC


10M Downloads Login Bonus

*Limited Special Rituals will be available for use starting Mar 25 to Apr 28, 2025 UTC

Available until:
2025/4/21 23:59 UTC


10M Downloads Story Card Ritual Prayers

Available until:
2025/4/28 3:59 UTC


Bug Fixes

– Fixed a translation error in Sakuya Izayoi (C3)’s Home 3 text.

We apologize for the inconvenience.


Maintenance Rewards

To thank you for your patience during maintenance, the following rewards will be sent to your Mail!

Rewards list:
– 5x Seal Crystals
– 1,500x Coins
– 3,000x Spirit Points

Claim your rewards from Home > Mail within 30 days!

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Enjoy your journey in Touhou LostWord!