Youmu’s Maid Training Pre-Event!


Thank you for playing Touhou LostWord!


Youmu’s Maid Training Pre-Event begins after May 21st maintenance!


Starts: May 21st, 2021 after maintenance

Ends: June 18th, 2021 01:59 UTC


During the event period you can get various rewards including Youmu’s new costume.

Play the pre-event and look forward to the new event!


Pre-event content

During the pre-event period, 2 event tasks will be added every day.

All the tasks must be completed during the event period.

To unlock the following day’s tasks you must complete the previous day’s tasks.

To get all the rewards you have to complete all the tasks in order.


Tasks A

May 21st: Clear Stage: Distant Island Mystery Battle 1

Reward: 10 Wind Scrolls (1) & 500 Spirit Points

May 21st: Win 5 battles

Reward: 5 Sasora & 500 Spirit Points

May 22nd: Clear Stage: Distant Island Mystery Pt. 2

Reward: 10 Wind Scrolls (1) & 500 Spirit Points

May 23rd: Win 5 battles

Reward: 500 Coins & 500 Spirit Points

May 24th: Clear Stage: The Freezing Island Battle 2

Reward: 500 Coins & 500 Spirit Points

May 25th: Win 5 battles

Reward: 5 Rakoku & 500 Spirit Points

May 26th: Clear Stage: The Freezing Island Pt. 4

Reward: 10 Wind Scrolls (1) & 500 Spirit Points

May 27th: Win 5 battles

Reward: 5 Manaban & 500 Spirit Points

May 28th: Clear Stage: The Freezing Island Battle 8

Reward: Youmu Konpaku costume: Shivering Maid Samurai


Tasks B

May 21st: Use 1500 Coins

Reward: 5 Manaban & 1500 Coins

May 21st: Use 300 Spirit Points

Reward: 5 Wind Scrolls (1) & 1500 Coins

May 22nd: Enhance a Story Card 5 times

Reward: 5 Sasora & 1500 Coins

May 23rd: Use 1500 Coins

Reward: 5 Wind Scrolls (1) & 1500 Coins

May 24th: Enhance a Unit 10 times

Reward: 10 Wind Scrolls (1) & 1500 Coins

May 25th: Enhance a Story Card 5 times

Reward: 5 Wind Scrolls (1) & 1500 Coins

May 26th: Use 300 Spirit Points

Reward: 5 Rakoku & 1500 Coins

May 27th: Enhance a Unit 10 times

Reward: 5 Wind Scrolls (1) & 1500 Coins

May 28th: Perform 3 Prayers

Reward: 15 Seal Crystals & 4500 Coins


Youmu’s Maid Training Login Bonus



Get all the rewards during the pre-event period!


Starts: May 22nd, 2021 0:00 UTC

Ends: May 28th, 2021 01:59 UTC


Rewards list:

Day 1: 1 Plum Tile (3)

Day 2: 2 Ramune Soda

Day 3: 1 Bamboo Tile (3)

Day 4: 2 Ramune Soda

Day 5: 1 Chrysanthemum Tile (3)

Day 6: 1500 Coins

Day 7: 1 Orchid Tile (3)

Note: you can only claim each reward once.


Youmu’s Maid Training Packs


Youmu’s Maid Training Packs are also available in the Shop!

Get lots of useful items for a limited period!



Starts: May 21st, 2021 after maintenance

Ends: May 28th, 2021 01:59 UTC



Enjoy your journey in Touhou LostWord!